Hackathon May 26
We are organising a hackathon on May 26!
“We” are the FAIR2 Consortium, that is FAIR2 Media plus allies: Jeroen Wimmers and Jordi Boin. We created a logo for the Consortium now; we did not have a need for it before but now it is one of those extra tasks to do. We also needed a website for the hackathon, of course. Jeroen made that. And we found two sponsors!
A hackathon is a meeting of often 24 hours (ours is 12) where nerds and others meet to use their creativity and skills to solve a problem.
We did not need to think much about the subject: renewable energy. We have done several assignments in that field and we would like to see people more involved. So the problem to solve at the hackathon simply is: how to make people see the fun, urgancy and importance of the energy transition. An additional problem may be how to reach those people.
Interested? Then come and join us! Take a look and register: hackathon