Building prototypes and experiences




Babberich is a village on the Netherlands - German boarder. In this area farmers cooperate with locals to make a plan for their own energy park, which will become the property of the cooperation "Peperbus Energie". To inform all people involved and to enthuse them a meet-up was organised. Our interactive table played a central role again. Kosmo brought the table to the Kulturhus, where the meet-up took place. [ … ]
Happy 2020; the game

Happy 2020; the game

Better together! Watch the video or read the text below for the story behind the game. And play the game at If you have played the game, you know that you launch yourself in a rocket. You see Chinese wishing lanterns, birds, clouds. You start, dodge an hot air balloon. At the end of a trail in space you see a glowing sphere. You fly across it. Then the message of that player jumps into sight. In the right corner below you see that your tank has just filled up a little. Thank you! [ … ]
We had a great day showing our friends, neighbours and family what we spend our days on here at FAIR2 Media. And you told us you had a great time being here! The video says more then words, enjoy it! [ … ]
We had already made one game for the arcade cabinet: “SolAria”. Now it was time for a second one. This time for WIEK II: “Solus”. Besides creating the digital game, of course we gave the (side) view a different look. You cannot see that in this film, so for that you will have to come and look on location one day. In this video Matthias tells about his work: [ … ]


We have become an Ltd., a private or limited liability company”. We used to be three self empoyed persons, working together under the name FAIR2 Media. Now we have changed that, we have formalised our cooperation. The reaction we usually get is: “o yes, that is because it is more advantageous once you have reached a certain turnover, isn’t it?” I am sure that is correct, but it was not our considaration to become an Ltd. Our consideration was that we want to make our ideals, vision and goals into a [ … ]