Building prototypes and experiences


What ya doin’ (WYD)? A mini theatre, that must be stable and firm, for one person, who must not feel closed in. How do you design that? The Traais Energy Collective organises regular meeting to inform people and businesses about the transfer of their village to renewable energy. The mini theater is one of the installations they use for that. Watch the video to see what Kosmo is doing. (Sorry, video only in Dutch) [ … ]
What ya doin’ (WYD)? For the project AlterEgo. Who are you, really? And who is your opposite? What archetypes exist? And wich are each others opposites? How do you find out what archetype you are? How do you formulate questions to find out which archetypes someone is? And how do you determine what the opposite, or alter-ego, of that person is? Jordi did the research, he tells us about it in this video. [ … ]
What ya doin’ (WYD)? In ‘the old days’ there were game-halls, whith arcade cabinets on which you could play computer games. In this video you see Ben, building an arcade cabinet in that style. Eventually the computer game will be added. (Sorry, video only in Dutch) [ … ]
Hackathon report

Hackathon report

Saturday, May 26, was a hot day, about 26 degrees. It was the day we had chosen for our hackathon. “Hackathon” is composed of the words “to hack”: using technology for something it was not originally designed for, and “marathon”: to keep going. Our hackathon was only 12 hours, more usual is 24 or 36 hours. At 10 o’clock the first people arrived at our premises in Bussum. Coffee and tea were waiting for them in the lounge. Our coffee machine had arrived the day before. After we [ … ]